Taubman College

Alumnus Curtis D. Smith, M.U.P.'95, associate produces award-winning documentary

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Curtis D. Smith, A.B. (LSAR)’90, M.U.P.’95, is the associate producer of The Water Front, an award-winning documentary film that chronicles how residents in Highland Park, Michigan organized to prevent the privatization of their municipal water system. The film raises important questions for people everywhere as cities look to find resources to pay for aging infrastructure. The film has won several awards, including being named the 2009 Empowerment Film of the Year by the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, 2009 Silver Drop Award from the World Water Forum in Istanbul, Turkey and earning the “Best of Fest” at the 2008 Hazel Wolf Environmental Film Festival. The film has been shown on public television in Zaragoza, Spain and Detroit, Michigan. On January 21, 2010, Smith hosted a screening of the film at the Museum of Art as part of the University of Michigan’s 24th Annual MLK Symposium.